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The Starter vs The Dessert

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Dining out is always fun, isn't it? You get treated to delicious food you'd never make at home. Someone brings it to you! You can eat every bite and not have to think about cleaning up afterward, and if it's not exactly what you wanted, you can send it back! The cook won't come out and complain about not being appreciated for making you a hot meal. It's truly a wonderful experience...except for one thing--ORDERING!

Ordering at a restaurant is the most important part if you want to enjoy your meal, but it can be an agonising task. There are so many decisions! What to get as your main! What sides to select! What to drink! And then, then, the worst decision of them all: will you have a starter or a dessert?

You'll never finish both. You know you won't. So which do you choose? Here's some food for thought regarding the benefits and drawbacks of choosing each:

The Starter

Pros of Going for the Starter
  • Starters are amazing. They're always foods you'd never make at home, and they're always so delicious.
  • Starters warm your taste buds up so they're ready for food! This way they're not injured by the deliciousness.
  • Starters give you something to do while you're waiting for your meal.
  • Starters ensure you won't look at other people eating and have starter envy.
Cons of Going for the Starter
  • Starters make it nearly impossible to finish your main.
  • Starters often require a lengthy debate with others at the table since you'll likely share. Getting everyone to decide on something can be more difficult than a Middle East peace talk.

The Dessert

Pros of Going for the Dessert
  • Desserts are sweet and delicious. They make your mouth happy.
  • Desserts keep your after dinner cup of coffee from being lonely.
  • Desserts give you something to do while you're waiting for your cheque.
  • Desserts keep you from experiencing sweets jealousy when you see what other people are having.
Cons of Going for the Dessert
  • You get incredibly hungry waiting for your main with no starter. You worry you might die.
  • You may have to share your dessert, and then you'll feel selfish and not want to give up any of the deliciousness.
  • You may not have room if you finish your main. You'll order dessert anyway because you didn't get a starter. You will eat too much. You may die.

So when it comes time to order, you can think about these important pros and cons. You can mull it over. You can discuss it with your dining companion, or you can just go ahead right from the start and do what we all know you'll end up doing anyway--getting both and taking some home in a doggie bag!

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